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Being a leader is really challenging. In these monthly live conversations, Liz Wiseman, Shawn Vanderhoven, and Lauren Hancock tackle your hard leadership challenges and discuss practical steps on how to navigate being a leader in the workplace. So whether you currently lead a team, have decades of experience, or are an aspiring leader, come join in the live discussion as we all learn how to be better leaders. Register Below for our upcoming episode!


How the best leaders make everyone smarter.

The New York Times bestseller, Multipliers, begins with a simple observation: There is more intelligence inside our organizations than we are using. Learn about the disciplines that set Multiplier leaders apart and allow them to fully utilize the genius around them.

Multipliers - The Wiseman Group

How the best leaders make everyone smarter.

The New York Times bestseller, Multipliers, begins with a simple observation: There is more intelligence inside our organizations than we are using. Learn about the disciplines that set Multiplier leaders apart and allow them to fully utilize the genius around them.

Impact Players - The Wiseman Group

How to take the lead, play bigger, and multiply your impact.

The Wallstreet Journal bestseller, Impact Players, explores why the most influential players think and act differently, and how this mindset is available to anyone who wants to play bigger and multiply their impact.


How to take the lead, play bigger, and multiply your impact.

The Wallstreet Journal bestseller, Impact Players, explores why the most influential players think and act differently, and how this mindset is available to anyone who wants to play bigger and multiply their impact.

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