Accidental Diminisher Quiz

While the narcissistic leaders grab the headlines, the vast majority of diminishing happening inside our workplaces is done by the Accidental Diminisher—managers with the best of intentions, good people who think they are doing a good job leading.

Accidental or not, the impact on their team is the same – Diminishers only get ½ of the true brainpower of their people. Take the free quiz to see where you stand.

Leadership Matters

Leadership Matters

Come join us for the new podcast with Liz Wiseman, Shawn Venderhoven, and others from The Wiseman Group executive team. We talk about the hard problems of Leadership and tackle live challenges from the audience.

Leading is hard and there are many pitfalls when feeling the pressure from your organization. Come and join us so we can become better leaders together.

Impact Player Playbook
Impact Players

Impact Player Playbook

This playbook will give you data-based insights and practical tools to help you take the lead, play bigger, and multiply your impact. In each, you will find a set of Smart Plays to implement the practice wisely, create real value for others, and increase their impact. This is a great companion guide to the book […]


2023 Services – Learn How to 2X With Multipliers

Multipliers amplify the intelligence and capabilities of their team, inspiring them to stretch and accomplish more, while diminishers drain intelligence and energy from those around them. The Wiseman Group’s services can help you get the most out of your current workforce.

Building Upward Credibility – Impact Players
Impact Players

Building Upward Credibility – Impact Players

We asked 170 leaders (from first-line managers to senior executives) what their team members did that most frustrated them and eroded value.

These 15 credibility killers are nearly guaranteed to frustrate your leaders and those around you. Luckily we also include credibility builders! Follow these tactics to succeed at work and make yourself invaluable in the eyes of your organization.


Liz Wiseman at TEDx Talks

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Liz Wiseman teaches leadership to executives and emerging leaders around the world.

Impact Players PDF Download
Impact Players

Impact Players PDF Download

The workplace is full of people who want to contribute in meaningful ways, yet not everyone knows how to make an impact. We can put in long hours and work hard, but if our effort is off target, we’ll end up with great work that’s irrelevant.

The Impact Players we studied didn’t necessarily work any harder or any longer than their peers. However, there were five practices that made them stand out. Download the first chapter for free to get started.


Multipliers 360 Assessment

Identify leadership strengths and potential blind spots.
Use our Multipliers assessments to find out from your team the ways your leadership is helpful and the moments when your leadership is diminishing.

Impact Players

Impact Players Keynote

What could your organization accomplish with access to all the capability that sits inside it?
In our highly interactive keynotes, participants will explore how they can fully utilize everyone’s intelligence and maximize their impact.

Impact Players

Impact Players Webinar

Harness your team’s capability from anywhere!
In our highly interactive webinars, participants will explore how they can fully utilize everyone’s intelligence and maximize their impact.

Impact Players Quiz
Impact Players

Impact Players Quiz

The workplace is full of people who want to contribute in meaningful ways, yet not everyone knows how to make an impact. We can put in long hours and work hard, but if our effort is off target, we’ll end up with great work that’s irrelevant.

What might be impeding your impact? While there are a lot of hard-working people, not everyone is adding value in the way they want to. Are you having the influence and impact you hope for? Take this quiz to find out what might be impeding your impact.

Rookie Smarts Quiz
Rookie Smarts

Rookie Smarts Quiz

Are you working in the learning zone? All people are natural learners. However, experience can leave us feeling comfortable and out of the learning zone.

By identifyng your current challenge level, performing a learning experiment, and shifting back into Rookie Mode you will know what you need to do to fully engage and perform at your best. Take this quiz to find out if you’re in the learning zone.

Multipliers – Chapter One Preview

Multipliers – Chapter One Preview

Do you make those around you smarter? We’ve all had experience with 2 dramatically different types of leaders: Diminishers—leaders who drain intelligence, energy, and capability from the people around them.

And Multipliers—leaders who use their intelligence to amplify the smarts and capabilities of the people around them. The world needs more Multipliers, especially now, when leaders are expected to do more with less.

Coach’s Starter Kit

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Coach Downloads

Sorry, you don’t have access to this Coach Premium Access material. You can sign up to become a coach and/or sign in to view this content.
The Multiplier Effect – Chapter One Preview
The Multiplier Effect

The Multiplier Effect – Chapter One Preview

The natural response from educational leaders who are weighed down by enormous challenges might argue that the only way we can make changes is through the addition of more resources.

Instead of pinning one’s hopes on the unknown cavalry of additional resources, a school leader might instead ask the question vice principal Paul Ainsworth did after reading Multipliers: “Are we getting the most out of our staff?” It is a very different question than “Can our staff work harder or more?”. Download a Chapter 1 preview to get started.

Discussion Guide
Impact Players

Discussion Guide

In this guide, you will: consider the ways in which you personally are striving to be an Impact Player but falling short, discuss the decoys that seem productive but actually reduce impact, and talk about the framework as a set of habits that will require constant attention for people.

Remember that these discussions will have their greatest impact when you are as committed to your own self-reflection and awareness as you are to the improvement of your team.

Research Process
Impact Players

Research Process

The framework and insights in Impact Players are the result of a two-year research project conducted by The Wiseman Group. The following outlines the research objectives, contributors, and process.

For our research purposes, we designated three groups of contributors:
1) High: Individuals doing work of exceptional value
2) Typical: Individuals who are smart and capable doing really good work.
3) Low: Individuals who are smart and capable but who weren’t delivering to expectations or potential.

Practices and Decoys
Impact Players

Practices and Decoys

This download contains two charts: A chart that summarizes the key differences in the behavior and beliefs characteristic of the Impact Player Mindset compared with the Contributor or Under-Contributor Mindsets.

And a list of the value decoys (professional habits or beliefs that seem useful and appear appreciated but that erode more value than they create) that can prevent people from contributing at their fullest and minimize the impact of their work.

Rookie Smarts – Chapter One Preview
Rookie Smarts

Rookie Smarts – Chapter One Preview

Has your knowledge become stale? For today’s knowledge workers, constant learning is more valuable than mastery, leaving many professionals asking:Has my experience become obsolete or irrelevant? Will a young, inexperienced newcomer upend my company or me? How can I keep up?

Rookie Smarts is essential for all leaders to ensure their experience and workforce remains vital and competitive. Download Chapter 1 for free to get started.

5 Steps to Find Your Dream Boss

5 Steps to Find Your Dream Boss

How can you assess whether you’re working for a boss who will bring out the best in you? What if you’re stuck under an unchanging Diminisher…or you’ve lost your job and are looking for the next right thing?

We all want a job that will bring out our best. But don’t just look for the right company or job/role; go shopping for your boss. Here’s a shopping guide that will help you find a Multiplier.

How To Make an Impact While Working Remotely
Impact Players

How To Make an Impact While Working Remotely

As companies reopen physical offices, the experiences of knowledge workers are more varied than ever: many employees can now choose to work in the office, from home, or in a hybrid combination of the two.

Some workers are embracing the increased flexibility and convenience of remote work; others worry about the remaining unknowns of this shifting workplace reality.

It is vital that employees find ways to work with impact, regardless of where they’re working from. 

Create a Users Guide to You

Create a Users Guide to You

What if your boss and team knew how to easily tap into your best work? To fully utilize your talents and capabilities, you must know how to articulate them clearly to your boss and colleagues. This GUIDE TO YOU will allow you to broadcast your best thinking and capabilities by helping you:
1. label and understand your natural strengths(Native Genius)
2. Learn how to apply those findings in your work life.

Dealing with a Diminishing Boss

Dealing with a Diminishing Boss

Is your current manager the boss of your dreams or your nightmares…or somewhere in between? How can you assess whether you’re working for a boss who will bring out the best in you? What if you’re stuck under an unchanging Diminisher?

We all want a job that will bring out our best. But don’t just look for the right company or job/role; go shopping for your boss. Here’s a shopping guide that will help you find a Multiplier

How Can I Get More From My Team?

How Can I Get More From My Team?

Multipliers operate as Talent Magnets to attract talented people and know how to access the “Native Genius” of everyone on their team. “Native Genius” is something that people do, not only exceptionally well, but absolutely naturally.

A Talent Magnet knows that genius comes in many forms, and they know how to uncover and access the Native Genius of others. Finding someone’s Native Genius is a key that unlocks discretionary effort.

How to Build Multiplier Habits

How to Build Multiplier Habits

Changing ingrained behavior is rarely as simple as swapping an existing behavior for a new, more effective behavior. Without understanding the context of our actions, we typically revert back to our comfortable habits.

This tool will help you to replace your bad habits (especially accidentally diminishing actions) with new habits that will, instead, amplify the smarts and capabilities of the people around you.

Are My Strengths Helping or Hurting My Team?

Are My Strengths Helping or Hurting My Team?

Narcissistic leaders tend to grab headlines, but the vast majority of diminishing is done by the Accidental Diminisher—good people with the best of intentions who don’t realize they’re shutting others down.

We all have diminishing moments that, accidental or not, impact your team the same— leaving you with only half of their true brainpower. This tool will help you identify your vulnerabilities and turn these situations into Multiplier moments.

30-Day Multipliers Challenge

30-Day Multipliers Challenge

There is often more intelligence inside our organizations than we are using. While some leaders make everyone around them smarter, others can have the opposite effect. This 30-Day Multipliers Challenge will help you address the behaviors that diminish others and replace them with Multiplier habits.

By taking this challenge, you’ll begin to: Tackle blind spots that shut down others, ask questions that spark innovation, and become the leader everyone needs.

Back Pocket Questions

Back Pocket Questions

Asking questions is a bedrock skill of a Multiplier leader. Smart leaders keep a set of questions in their back pocket to quickly shift into coaching mode.

By asking better questions more often, you will spark new creativity, double the intelligence of your team, and make work a whole lot more fun. Download the tool and watch this video to develop your own set of back pocket questions.

Learning Preferences Survey

Learning Preferences Survey

Remote teams working in crisis conditions can create breeding grounds for diminishing leadership where suffocating micromanagers create disengagement and disconnection.

Recently, we invited our audience to take a survey about the challenges they’re facing at work, and we received an overwhelming response with hundreds of submissions. Below is a summary of some of the results and insights.

Multipliers Reading Guide

Multipliers Reading Guide

The Multipliers Reading Guide is designed as a companion as you read Multipliers. Now more than ever, we need leaders to serve as true Multipliers, inspiring intelligence and capability on a mass scale.

Each section includes a reflection exercise to be done individually after reading the corresponding chapter in the book, as well as questions and activities for deep thinking and application, which are helpful individually or in a group.

Leading Remote Teams As a Multiplier

Leading Remote Teams As a Multiplier

Now more than ever we need leaders who can both calm the storm and ignite the brilliance of their teams.

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