Impact Players Quiz
Impact Players

Impact Players Quiz

The workplace is full of people who want to contribute in meaningful ways, yet not everyone knows how to make an impact. We can put in long hours and work hard, but if our effort is off target, we’ll end up with great work that’s irrelevant.

What might be impeding your impact? While there are a lot of hard-working people, not everyone is adding value in the way they want to. Are you having the influence and impact you hope for? Take this quiz to find out what might be impeding your impact.

Rookie Smarts Quiz
Rookie Smarts

Rookie Smarts Quiz

Are you working in the learning zone? All people are natural learners. However, experience can leave us feeling comfortable and out of the learning zone.

By identifyng your current challenge level, performing a learning experiment, and shifting back into Rookie Mode you will know what you need to do to fully engage and perform at your best. Take this quiz to find out if you’re in the learning zone.

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